Lindley Mayer | Sangria Lift Red Carpet Premiere
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July 15, 2015

Sangria Lift Red Carpet Premiere

Lindley is thrilled and blessed to be a part the short film “Sangria Lift.” The incredibly talented cast and crew came together to make an inspiring piece of work!

“An intense, impatient, self-absorbed teen who is driven by fear learns so much in one 24-hour time period. Through the actions of many, some of whom he has never met, he receives many lessons in perspectives, compassion, trust….and in the end, the choice to forgive. Lindley Mayer plays the voice of Jenny who is the voice of reason. She brings hope to this young man who has lost all sense of optimism!”

The film has won many awards for merit, performance and directing! We hope that you will check it out on IMDB!



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