Lindley Mayer | Miss United States Send off Party and Vizcaya Swimwear Shoot
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July 24, 2016

Miss United States Send off Party and Vizcaya Swimwear Shoot

Yesterday was one of the greatest days spent with my Miss United States sisters and family. We are truly the luckiest group of girls to be a part of an organization that is so empowering and  special. I have learned so much about myself since the start of this journey and I am very thankful to my directors for all they do to help us prepare. They showered us with the most fabulous gifts and truly know how to make us feel like queens but most importantly they give us incredible guidance and support to ensure that we are ready when we hit the stage in Vegas. A BIG special shoutout to Vizcaya Swimwear for sponsoring our super cute swimsuits for our photoshoot as well. I can’t wait to wear your gorgeous swimsuit on the Miss United States stage very soon!


We leave in only 6 DAYS to travel to Las Vegas to compete for the dream job of Miss United States. I am thrilled to meet all of the women who represent the class of 2016 Miss United States contestants and can’t wait to make so many memories. The pageant will be aired on live webcast and I will share that information here and on my facebook page as well. Here is a gallery below from our special day yesterday!


-Lindley Mayer

Miss South Carolina US 2016

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